

#define UART_DEBUG_LOG   /* 关闭调试请注释掉定义 */



#if !defined ( __CC_ARM )

 * Function to be used by stdout for printf etc
int _write( int fd, const void *buf, size_t count )
    while( UartPutBuffer( &Uart2, ( uint8_t* )buf, ( uint16_t )count ) != 0 ){ };
    return count;

 * Function to be used by stdin for scanf etc
int _read( int fd, const void *buf, size_t count )
    size_t bytesRead = 0;
    while( UartGetBuffer( &Uart2, ( uint8_t* )buf, count, ( uint16_t* )&bytesRead ) != 0 ){ };
    // Echo back the character
    while( UartPutBuffer( &Uart2, ( uint8_t* )buf, ( uint16_t )bytesRead ) != 0 ){ };
    return bytesRead;


// Keil compiler
int fputc( int c, FILE *stream )
    while( UartPutChar( &Uart2, ( uint8_t )c ) != 0 );
    return c;

int fgetc( FILE *stream )
    uint8_t c = 0;
    while( UartGetChar( &Uart2, &c ) != 0 );
    // Echo back the character
    while( UartPutChar( &Uart2, c ) != 0 );
    return ( int )c;

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